Bambino Schools is a Day and Boarding international educational institution that was founded in 1993. Bambino Schools provides an environment where students can achieve the highest standards of all-rounded excellence by providing a rich, holistic, innovative and inclusive curricula and programs to help each child to develop skills, attributes and attitudes that propel them to contribute to the advancement of society.
Mission and Vision
Our mission as a school is to provide an environment where students can achieve the highest standards of excellence in academic, moral and ethical behavior, artistic expression and personal character . We aim to provide a rich, holistic, innovative and inclusive curricula and programme that fosters participation, unity, cooperation and learning and helps students to achieve personal growth and develop skills to help them contribute to the advancement of society.

School Guiding Principles
Whole-hearted Service to Education
One of the concepts driving the endeavors of the school is the importance of the educational process in society. With the understanding that access to knowledge is the right of every human being and the Baha’i view that all human beings are endowed with limitless and inestimable talents and capacities that can only be revealed by education, the school considers the provision of quality education its top most line of action. With this, teachers within the school also have the view that teaching is one of the most noble and meritorious duties which must be performed with excellence, selflessness and love.
Training in morality and seemly conduct
The school believes that knowledge is a tool which unlocks the secrets of creation and that striving for excellence in the pursuit of knowledge demonstrates adherence to fulfilling one’s intellectual potential. The school however, places emphasis on excellence in character and behavior as the Baha’i writings state that “good behavior and high moral character must come first, for unless the character is trained, acquiring knowledge will only prove injurious. Knowledge is praiseworthy when it is coupled with ethical conduct and virtuous character’
Oneness of humankind
The school recognizes the oneness of humanity and promotes unity, a sense of reverence, love and regard for God and the beauty of creation in its diverse forms. Thus, the school accepts students and staff of all nationalities, races, religions, socio-economic and academic backgrounds as long as they are committed to the development of spiritual ideals, achieving excellence in moral and ethical behavior, the development of one’s own unique talents and faculties and excellence in scholarship. The school encourages trans-cultural understanding by exploring and celebrating the contribution of all cultures, people, and religions towards human advancement. Promoting an understanding of the urgency for world peace and assisting in the acquisition of the attitudes and skills necessary for each individual to contribute to the achievement of peace