Greetings parents and guardians. Today officially marks the end of the term 3 of the 2017/18 academic year, may I take this opportunity to thank you for the support you gave us as a school .Your faith and trust in our Bambino brand will always be rewarded by quality education and quality results. I also would like. to congratulate all our learners as they graduate from the current grade to new challenges in the next academic year. The just ended academic year was a very productive one with the activities below being the major highlights.


The school registered a 96% pass rate with following students scoring three distinctions in all the subject Mathematics, Science and English.                                  

  • Tamandani Mgoli Mwale
  • Takondwa Manani
  • Nyengo Gongwe
  • Jabulani Polokera


  • Kylie Pondamale
  • Jacqueline Her
  • Precious Njaka
  • Laura Kafakalawa  

A total of 30 distinctions,58 credits from a possible 135. Excellent Results for 2018, going forward our pledge is to improve results at all levels of primary education both qualitatively and quantitatively to 100% pass rate and an improved distinction tally.

This event was held at Bambino grounds. The theme for the graduation was YES WE CAN, WE HAVE and WE WILL .Top three students from standard 1-6 and those who were outstanding in sports were presented with special awards. The top students in standard 7 were also recognized. The results and the presentations done by the learners truly reflected on the theme of the day .We sincerely thank the parents who graced this event and wish them well in their new life in High School.



Parents are advised to at least start paying fees for the new academic year even during the holidays. The Cashier’s office will be open from 08:00 to 1400 Mon to Friday .Those with more than two wards if they pay cash before the grace period are entitled to a 5% discount.

  •   Standard 1-4      MK250,000
  •   Standard 5-7      MK270,000

Parents can also pay using a swipe machine at the cashier’ office. The account number for the school is National Bank of Malawi, Capital City Branch, 1227599.

Grace period ends two weeks after opening


Few space still available .Prospective parents can visit school between 8:00 to 12:00hrs.


School will open its doors for term 1 on 4 September 2018


Learners are encouraged to rest after a long term, however for those who feel their wards need assistance or active learning, the school will offer summer lessons from 30 July to 24 August at a cost of MK30,000 payable at the cashier’s office. Proper supervised lessons will be on offer.


The report is not about positions but carefully look at the grades your ward has scored. Where they have scored high, our wards can still be encouraged to continue fighting for distinctions. Words like lazy, poor should never be used. Let us also find time to also help and discuss School work with our beloved wards.

School Website

You can also get information about our school on

From PTA

Very few parents co-operated in terms of paying the school fund fund so starting term 1 PTA money is embedded in the main fees structure

  • Support your PTA



I hear some parents say they don’t know what the BAMBINO PTA actually does, who they are, when they are, when they meet and whether you can attend. They appear to be like this invisible force that just ‘makes some things happen!!’ Unless you are involved, you are unaware of the amount of work that is involved. All that is about to change.

We need to relook at the PTA mandate and activities, we will be asking all of you to help us to :-

~Pay PTA fund together with fees

~Have Bambino PTA online    

~Encourage the school to have a ‘Parent’ section of the school’s website, bringing into the 21st century, including adding LOADS more content about the PTA

~Implement a Suggestion Box located in Reception where you can leave your ideas, suggestions and your contact details instead of just using the WhatsApp groups

We will provide you with dates, times and venue of our meetings for the term in the first newsletter of the academic year .These are informal meetings and anyone can attend. But maybe YOU can bring something to the table. You just need to have a desire to want MORE of your children.

I wish you a fruitful holiday with your wards and hope to see you on the 4th of September as we start our new academic year.

  • Makuta (0996960548) e-mail:


Bambino Schools would like to thank the support given by parents from standard 1 to 4 who enabled their words to participate in the trips tabulated below:

Standard 1 – 2 Kumbali

Standard 3 ChipokaHarbor

Standard 4 Livingstonia Beach

The term three will see standard 5 – 7 participate on a one day trip to Salima.

The other information as regards Aims and objectives will be available to the concerned parents. We have deliberately moved from two day trips to a one day one as we feel that we are still able to achieve our planned aims and objectives in a day and keep the trips affordable. The more affordable they are then it means all our learners benefit and consolidate concepts learnt in class i.e. tourism, transport, agriculture, landscape just to mention but a few.


Today (28 March 2018) officially marks the end of term II for the 2017/2018 academic year and this newsletter is meant to address you on some pertinent issues that we think will help both of us plan effectively for term three which opens on 16th April and ends on 13th July 2018.


Standard seven checkpoint exams will start on 23rd of April up to the 25th of April 2018. As part of revision and mopping up, they will only close for a week from 29th March to 8th April 2018 and start lessons from the 9th of April. The thrust is to keep on improving our general pass rate and quality of the results. As a school we are more interested in quality as opposed to quantity. It is our sincere hope that all parents will support this initiative and encourage all your children to come to school during the said period.  For standard 1–6, the holiday is very short and no summer lessons have been organized for you, our advice, read, read, and of course here and there also have fun, we hope to see them more rejuvenated for term 3

For examinations candidates must have the following;

  • Mathematics Set,
  • Calculator,
  • Pens (at least two, preferably black)
  • School uniform

Parents and guardians should also remember that before writing primary checkpoint examinations full school fees or half of it must have been paid. The school will not allow candidates who do not satisfy this requirement to write.

Account Name: Bambino Schools

Account Number: 1227-599

Branch: National Bank, Capital City.

Consultation day/lesson observations

We thank all parents who participated in the teacher/ parent discussion as well as the lesson observations. The experiences shared can only help us to be as a better school. Be assured that consultation day is a termly event and remember to always be there for your ward. There is no more love you can show your ward other than to support him/her with school work.

For those who missed out other, classes will invite you to join them for lessons on days to be advised. The motive is for you as our parents to appreciate and get a better understanding of your school especially as regards to what happens in the classroom



School fees remain the same @k201, 000 standard 1–4, k241, 000 standard 5–7, k1, 000 is for PTA fund. Fees should be paid before school open or within two weeks of opening. The school also offers transport to the following areas;

@ Return – 25, 000

One way – 20, 000

  • Lunch – 25, 000 (tea & lunch = 35, 000)
  • Boarding fee (full) 300, 000
  • Boarding (weekly) 250, 000

Lunch and transport are optional services provided by the school and we hope you will take advantage and benefit from hot nutritious meals served in our dining.



The school has a lot of lost and found uniforms, jerseys and parents can help by making sure that uniforms have name tags or some kind of labelling which makes it easier to identify them in the event that they are lost. Communication with your class teacher can help you recover lost and found items especially as soon as the uniform/ item goes missing.

Our third term happens to be the winter season with long nights, short days as well as very low temperatures. We encourage you to buy your wards warm clothing for this term. A warm clothed child listens better than the one exposed to the vagaries of the weather. Only the official school uniforms will be permitted. Our tuck shop is adequately stuffed with all requirements.


The WhatsApp was introduced to enhance communication between the school and parents to matters relating to the education of the learners, to some extent it has done a good job as far as dissemination of information is concerned, on the other hand it has also brought a lot of challenges among them, chain, birthday and illness messages with nothing to do with our core business. Parents are encouraged to use this to use this channel responsibly and follow the laid down rules.


  1. Student academic reports

We are positive that somehow you have a general picture of how your ward is progressing because of your interaction with the school during the course of term, i.e. consultation days, daily home work that you have shared with the class teachers, everything to do with examinations and general conduct of your ward. Where they have done well compliment and encourage them to do even better and where grades are not satisfactory, love, understanding and of course showing a great passion to help is the way to go.

Children like it better where parents show love and commitment to what their wards are doing. Identify the weak areas and where possible encourage them to work on them. The report card is not about positions but about grades. Good, grades for our learners is the catchy phrase, lastly on study habits we still hope for less TV and more reading catch them young and foster in them a hunger for knowledge, A play schedule that also has time for study is a must. The school has also given learners holiday home with to help them revise. Nothing feels better than the rewards you get from personally taking an interest in your wards’ education and you see the flower grow and blossom.


  1. Homework and Notebooks

The schools policy is that learners should have work almost   on a daily basis and your duty as a parent is not to be a student yourself but where need be guide, where you are unsure certain subjects feel free to always consult with your classteachers an example could be how to help learners sound letters and words using phonetic way. Notebooks, even when they are carried home almost daily they should always be neat and presentable, plastic cover a requirement.

  1. School Portal

You can also check for information about Bambino primary school on

User name: Email address

Password: Student number


  1. Trips

We would like to thank the support given by parents from standard 1 to 4 who enabled their words to participate in the trips tabulated below

Standard 1 – 2 Kumbali

Standard 3 ChipokaHarbor

Standard 4 Livingstonia Beach

The term three will see standard 5 – 7 participate on a one day trip to Salima.

The other information as regards Aims and objectives will be available to the concerned parents. We have deliberately moved from two day trips to a one day one as we feel that we are still able to achieve our planned aims and objectives in a day and keep the trips affordable. The more affordable they are then it means all our learners benefit and consolidate concepts learnt in class i.e. tourism, transport, agriculture, landscape just to mention but a few.


  • 29 March – collection of reports
  • 16 April, 2018 opening of school


  • 23 – 25 April standard 7 checkpoint Exams
  • 1 May Labour day
  • 2 May Baha’i holiday
  • 25 May consultation day standard 1 -7 .7.30 -13.00hrs
  • Midterm Break 28 May -1
  • Trips

Standard 5         8 – June

  • 15 – June

              7          5 – July

  • End of terms Exams

2 July to 5th July (Time Tables to follow)

  • Standard 7 Graduation 11 JULY
  • Collection of reports 13 July 2017


  1. From the PTA

We are pleased of the partnership prevailing between the parents and the teachers and it is our desire to forge this to new heights as a way of making our Bambino school a good place for our children. We want to humbly thank parents who have done what is right by contributing the K1, 000 termly to the PTA fund. We also encourage other members who are still to do so to come on board. We have planned a hygiene and sanitation  programme for our learners, but could not do it as initially planned due to the fact that most parents are still to respond in a positive way regarding termly contributions. Below is a class by class analysis of monies received and not received. More updates will be given to you in due course, including names of those who have contributed.

TABLE (Representing Payments and balances from STD 1 to 7)

STD 1 62,000 27,000 35,000
STD 2 58,000 37,000 21,000
STD 3 55,000 16,000 39,000
STD 4 57,000 21,000 36,000
STD 5 58,000 21,000 37,000
STD 6 62,000 38,000 24,000
STD 7 46,000 21,000 25,000
TOTAL 398,000 181,000 217,000

PTA fund is part of school fees

  • K201, 000
  • K241, 000
  • By term three each ward should have contributed 3 X K1, 000 =K3, 000.

PTA Chair;

School Portal

You can also get news and updates about the school by on the above address

On behalf of the everybody here, I thank you for the support you give to the school. Let’s keep the fight to have our school as the best beacon of education in Malawi. Enjoy the holiday with your wards. Happy Holidays,Meet you on the 16th Of April 2018.


  1. Makuta. +265 (0) 99 696 0548/ +265 (0)1 76 1674



Bambino students in Munich Germany
Bambino students in Munich Germany

September 2017, saw the birth of an exciting project as five Bambino High School student accompanied by the headmaster flew out to Munich Germany to kick-start a cultural exchange programme involving the two schools. Working on a theme of ‘Water and Trees ‘the delegation from Bambino visited several interesting and important establishments in Munich. These included the water catchment facility in the Bavarian Alpines,Neareuth Alm,Schneefernerhaus Enviromental Research Centre.
On the day the group landed at KIA, another group of four Bambino students took off on their way to Berlin for another student exchange visit. And October saw the arrival of seven students and two teachers from Wittelsbacher on a return visit. While in Malawi, the German delegation visited the Liwonde National Park, Zomba forestry reserve and the Lake Malawi.


BHS senior students make a short trip to Mtsiliza Primary School
BHS senior students make a short trip to Mtsiliza Primary School

For seven years now, Bambino has successfully run a peer tutoring project as part of its wider community service project. This programme has seen BHS senior students make a short trip to Mtsiliza Primary School every Wednesday to meet and share reading skills to selected students of the public primary school.

Outstanding staff members – TERM 2

We salute and appreciate the efforts and dedication and contributions of these members of staff towards the school as we continuously strive for excellence


Sports Gala – Primary School

The North Vs South Sports Gala was an event that many will never forget. Parents in their large numbers came to cheer on their children as they battled to defend their stream. Parents took on the teacher in various sporting activities and the following were the results of the day.

Std1- Kassandra Pondamale

Std 2- Joshua Chamalaka

Std 4 – Mirriam Mussa

Std 5- Jane Kapelemera

Std 6 – Jane

Std 7 – Praise Daza


Std 1- Gracian Phiri

Std 2 – Faith Chuzu

Std 3- Steven Theu

Std 4- Precious Chidandale

Std 5- Margret Luhanga

Std 6 – Charity Munthali

Std 7- Malumbo Daza



Std 1- Blessings Banda

Std 2- Marina Samson

Std 3- Kawemi Sichinga

Std 4- Samuel Mwale

Std 5- Richard Phiri

Std 6- Nabil Mkandawire

Std 7- Rincy Chomanika



GAME Winner
(Parents Vs Teachers )
(North vs
South )
Football Parents North
Netball Teachers North
Relay Teachers North
High Jump North
Ball and Hat Race North
Ball and Basket Race North
Triangular Race South
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