The academic show case was a success. Despite the light rain and a few cases of stage fright learners managed to show parents songs, dances, games, quotations, role plays and so much more. Parents prepared costumes for their children for their various activities, including culture and career presentations. Bambino rpvate school management and staff thank the parents for once again showing us support
Category: News
Bambino Nursery Learners Visit Airport
Airport Trip
Based on the theme transport, the learners travelled to Kamuzu International Airport. They watched as planes of different sizes flew in and out of the airport. It was encouraging to hear them count the number of planes they saw, identify the colors on the planes and differentiate between big and small planes.
Former Head girl and Basketball Player Scopes 6 A’s in the IGCSE Exams.
Bambino Marimba Band performs at Gateway Mall
Bambino Future Young Entrepreneurs Visits Germany
A group of future young entrepreneurs from Bambino private schools visited Germany.
The picture below tells their story