Bambino High School is a dynamic section with a rigorous and exciting academic programme. The Cambridge international curriculum sets a global standard for education, and is recognized by universities and employers worldwide.

Our High School students benefit from the globally recognized Cambridge Curriculum, The Cambridge international curriculum sets a global standard for education, and is recognized by universities and employers worldwide. The curriculum is flexible, challenging and inspiring, culturally sensitive yet international in approach. Cambridge students develop an informed curiosity and a lasting passion for learning. They also gain the essential skills they need for success at university and in their future careers
High School students also focus their time and energy on Character Development as we believe that “good behavior and high moral character must come first, for unless the character is trained, acquiring knowledge will only prove injurious
Subjects Offered
Bambino International Schools adopted the Cambridge Assessment International Education Curriculum in 2018 after abandoning the local Malawi Education Curriculum. This comprehensive program offers a broad range of subjects that lay a strong foundation for A-Level and tertiary studies
Subject Offered
Mathematics, English
Business Studies and Economics
Geography, History, Global Perspectives
Foreign Languages
French and German
Music, Art, Drama, and Physical Education
The Cambridge Pathway
Cambridge Secondary
Year 7 to Year 9 (Upper Primary / Lower Secondary)
IGCSE - International General Certificate of Secondary Education
Year 10 to Year 11 (Upper Secondary)
GCE - General Certificate of Education
AS 1 (Year 12) to AS2 (Year 13)

About Our High School
Bambino High School is a dynamic section with a rigorous and exciting academic programme
extra curricula programme designed for academic, moral and artistic excellence and mastery. The Cambridge international curriculum sets a global standard for education, and is recognized by universities and employers worldwide. The curriculum is flexible, challenging and inspiring, culturally sensitive yet international in approach. Cambridge students develop an informed curiosity and a lasting passion for learning. They also gain the essential skills they need for success at university and in their future careers
Lower Secondary – Form 1 to Form 3
In Lower Secondary our students follow the Cambridge Lower Secondary curriculum developed for young students typically 11- to 14-year-old.
The curriculum is designed to assist learners to develop the skills, knowledge and understanding that will prepare them for a smooth transition to Cambridge Upper Secondary
Cambridge Upper Secondary – Form 4 and 5
In Forms 4 and 5, students follow the Cambridge International curriculum that prepares them for the International General Secondary Certificate Examinations (IGSCE).
The IGCSE is the world’s most popular international qualification for 14- to 16-year-olds. It develops successful students, providing excellent preparation for their next steps in education. Cambridge IGCSE is recognized by schools, universities and employers worldwide.

High School students also focus their time and energy on Character Development as we believe that “good behavior and high moral character must come first, for unless the character is trained, acquiring knowledge will only prove injurious. Our Character Development classes assist high school students to develop skills, qualities, attributes and attitudes necessary for a life of service. They practice being of service to others through community service projects as well as by being mentors to those in the Primary School.
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